Exterior Step Edges
External steps in areas such as car parks, train stations, schools, foot bridges, arenas, stadiums, etc require a specialist type of nosing that is heavy duty and also will satisfy the guidance in the building regulations Approved Documents M and K (ADM and ADK). There is also guidance for the DDA regulations covering access to buildings.
Please refer to either your architect, building control officer or manufacturer to confirm suitability, however generally nosings for these areas need to use a material that will contrast visually as well as being a minimum of 55mm on both the tread and the riser of the step.
This can be achieved by using a colour that is at least 30 points difference on the LRV (Light Reflectance Value) between the step and the nosing on both the tread and the riser by either using an insert on both faces of the nosing or if the stair itself is dark the aluminium carrier could be sufficient for the riser section.
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Exterior Step Edges ADM5 Exterior DDA Compliant
£44.99 (ex.VAT)

Exterior Step Edges ADM6 Exterior DDA Compliant
£44.99 (ex.VAT)

Exterior Step Edges TEXN11 Extra Heavy Duty
£45.99 (ex.VAT)

Exterior Step Edges TEXN51 Extra Heavy Duty
£45.99 (ex.VAT)

Exterior Step Edges TEX11R Extra Heavy Duty
£63.99 (ex.VAT)

Exterior Step Edges TEX51R Extra Heavy Duty
£63.99 (ex.VAT)
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